Feel Good is a programme of community engagement and recovery for all ages. Throughout the year we provide activities designed to support healthier, more connected communities - supporting our mission to nurture happier, healthier communities - by offering a whole range of activities that seek to maximise positive, low cost or free opportunities, offer an alternative approach to the cost of living crisis, address isolation and loneliness and to provide stability and continuity for communities and families who have been disrupted by Covid.
Feel Good started in 2019 working with partners on ‘Feel Good This Girl Can’ and later in 2020 as part of our Covid response the ‘Feel Good Families’ packs were created and delivered out to local families. We also created Feel Good Breakfast bags to support families during the school holidays in recognition of food poverty, Feel Good Family Support Bags to support families during the cost of living crisis and Feel Good Gold working with small groups of older people bringing them together for activities, support and a warm lunch.
We currently have:
"I enjoy being with other people, the chats and discussions, in the group, the games played and the informative/educational sessions.
"I feel like I learned a lot from the moneywise workshop session. Things to do with Pension credit, benefits and water advice. They were very clear that there was a helpline, in the event more support is needed."
"Continue with the good spirit as it’s appreciated by the group. The organisation turned the group into a loving family."